Saturday, May 12, 2012

Sharing Web Resources

NIEER National Institute for Early Education Research
The NIEER newsletter, volume 11 issues 10, focuses on a variety of issues affecting children, families and professionals in the early childhood field. It is outlined with five sections. Hot Topics: provides information about funding issues and its influence on quality early education, resources to improves program practices, information encouraging family involvement, mental health, language development and nutrition.  New On Preschool Matters…Today: highlights professionals and organizations making a difference in children lives by researching, advocating and investing in early education. The Calendar displays upcoming national events for professional developments such as National Conference for, Principals and Child Care Directors and many more. Early Education News Round Up provides news about the field in different states and lastly Resources provides further reading on selected topics in the newsletter.

Under the Hot Topics section, I read A Legal Right to Early Education? It was a summary of the profile on state funded preschool programs, The State of Preschool Yearbook. I was shocked to learn that in American only 28% of four year olds were enrolled in state funded programs in the 2010-2011 school year. It is imperative that children have access to quality early education. I was also surprised to learn that 7 states do not offer preschool services.

 Newsletter Link:


  1. Katara enjoyed reading your post very informative. I can really relate to the statement 'Making a Difference in Children's Lives because the name of the afterschool program that I direct is the Dare 2B Different Program. We both have the same goal in mind and that is to make a difference in the lives of children

  2. Katara,

    Do you remember the cities that did not offer preschool services? The percentages that you gave were surprising. I think it is because I work in Head Start. It sounds like someone doesn't recruit according to the numbers that you gave. I find myself recruiting wherever I go. I talk to people in Walmart, restaurants, and in my community. Although my program is based on income, I still let parents know about the benefits and advantages children have when they attend an early childhood program. I am thankful my children went to Head Start because it helped me as a working parent to allow them to receive strategies and skills that I wouldn't have given them because of having to work.

  3. Katara,

    I agree with Rosemary, your post was very informative. I would like to know more about what their views are on funding and its influence on quality early education. This is an important issue for all levels of education. If the funding is not there, how can parents expect their children to receive quality education.

  4. Funding is such a big part of education as a whole. There just to seem to be cuts everywhere. These are the individual who will be caring for us oneday. They need the best that we can give them.

  5. I love that everyone chose different links because it is so interesting to learn about all of these different organizations. I am shocked that 7 states do not offer preschool and that only 28% of children in America go to preschool. Preschool is so important for children to learn social, emotional, physical, cognitive and literacy skills and it seems like in most kindergarten classes they are beginning to assume that all children have attended preschool.
    While it is very important to send children to preschool, my own personal experience was that I never attended school until kindergarten. My father was laid off, so I stayed home with him and I entered kindergarten just a few weeks after turning five. Socially I did ok, but I was behind cognitively. Luckily my parents were invovled and concerend parents and I remember doing flashcards with them when I got home from school, per instructions from my kindergarten teacher. I think I'm doing fine now, but I always wonder what it would have been like to attend preschool.

  6. I enjoyed reading your post and the link you provided. I like the calendar that show national events. I was also shocked to know that 7 states do not offer preschool. If you can start children off early in school they sometimes have a better chance of surviving the school years. Great post that provided alot of information.
