There are many lessons I have learned in this course!
One of the most important lessons is collaborating with my
colleagues. Researching about others capstone projects helped me gain a deeper
understanding of their passions as well as my professional passions.
Another lesson I valued
is narrowing my topic into a specific and measurable challenge and goals.
One other goal is recognizing my professional role as an advocate.
I always thought of advocacy as big and abstract but I realize that I am an
advocate for children and families.
I have also realized that I am one step closer to achieving my goals! J
One long term goals is creating a Community of Practice and
initiate my public relations campaign to raise awareness of the importance of
school readiness for low income children.
Thank you Dr. Teri for empowering me to analyze my passion
and realize dreams can become realities. Thank you for inspiring me to improve my writing, all of your encouragement and support.
Thank you colleagues for your constructive feedback and encouragement!
Thank you colleagues for your constructive feedback and encouragement!
If you would like to keep in contact my email address is J
As a new school year begins, I wanted to share this powerful
video with you it is keynote speech by a10 year old intellect, Dalton Sherman. I hope you enjoy!
All the best, Katara