Friday, August 23, 2013

Time Well Spent

There are many lessons I have learned in this course!  

One of the most important lessons is collaborating with my colleagues. Researching about others capstone projects helped me gain a deeper understanding of their passions as well as my professional passions.

 Another lesson I valued is narrowing my topic into a specific and measurable challenge and goals.

One other goal is recognizing my professional role as an advocate. I always thought of advocacy as big and abstract but I realize that I am an advocate for children and families.

I have also realized that I am one step closer to achieving my goals! J

One long term goals is creating a Community of Practice and initiate my public relations campaign to raise awareness of the importance of school readiness for low income children.

Thank you Dr. Teri for empowering me to analyze my passion and realize dreams can become realities. Thank you for inspiring me to improve my writing, all of your encouragement and support.
Thank you colleagues for your constructive feedback and encouragement!

If you would like to keep in contact my email address is J
As a new school year begins, I wanted to share this powerful video with you it is keynote speech by a10 year old intellect, Dalton Sherman.  I hope you enjoy!


All the best, Katara          

Friday, August 9, 2013

Jobs/Roles in the ECE Community: Internationally

Association for Childhood Education International (ACEI)

ACEI is a charitable organization committed to advocate for access to education, equity in educational settings, quality educational subject matter, and the child's right to education. The organization appealed to me because of their campaign “Love Me, Teach Me” which promotes the needs and rights for children across the world.  They believe in four cornerstones: See Me, Hear Me, Love Me, and Teach Me. ACEI believe focusing on these foundations will improve the well-being of every child.

Job of Interest: Communication Manager

General Duties:

•Plan and manage external communication and public relations efforts, including but not limited to publicity for events, program launches, breaking news, etc.

•Monitor and communicate via online communication vehicles, including but not limited to the website; emails; and online social media, including Facebook, Twitter, blogs, etc.

•Support the development of ACEI publications.


•3-5 years of communications, public relations or related experience. The ideal candidate will have communications experience at an association or nonprofit.

•Bachelor's degree in communications or related field.

•Microsoft Office and basic familiarity with graphic design tools, such as InDesign (Mac).

•Excellent writing skills and interpersonal skills.

•Website content management skills, such as familiarity with html and a content management system.

World Organization for Early Childhood Education

The program works locally, nationally and internationally to promote the health, development, rights and education of the world’s children and families. The program appealed to me because of they encourage scientific research to improve children’s lives and promote human understanding. The organization believes it is important to advocate and educate education professionals and others about important issues relating to children, families, and early education.
International Step by Step Association
International Step by Step Association connects professionals and organizations working in the field of early childhood development and education. I like this association because it promotes equal access to quality early childhood education for all children around the world. The association offers information about training services for early childhood professionals, and host events that support the healthy development of children. Also provide online training and may of the courses are free. The website has a bookstore with children books from various cultures. This organization has a wealth of useful resources!

Friday, July 26, 2013

Jobs/Roles in the ECE Community: National/Federal Level

National Education Association (NEA)

The National Education Association (NEA) appealed to me because of their beliefs in advocating for quality public education for all children regardless of their income and the neighborhood they live. I selected this association because it believes professional development is critical in promoting children’s success. Their goal is to unite early childhood professionals and their expertise to work together for a common goal. National Education Association (NEA) is a great organization which advocates for quality public education for all children.

Job Opportunity: Lobbyist

Job Description:

The functions of this position include developing and maintaining effective bipartisan working relationships with members of Congress, the federal executive branch, and other national policy-makers. The advocate coordinates support for NEA's position on federal policies and legislation, develops strategies and approaches for effective advocacy, and researches, analyzes, and evaluates federal issues, legislation, rules and regulations.

Skills and experiences necessary to fulfill the role:

·         Bachelor’s degree in Political Science, Public Affairs, or related field or an equivalent combination of education and experience from which comparable knowledge and skills may be obtained.  Relevant advanced degree preferred.

·         Five years professional lobbying experience

·         Demonstrated high-level and effective interpersonal skills- ability to establish and maintain effective bipartisan working relationships,

·         Demonstrated ability to work independently and collaboratively on internal and external teams.

National Association of Child Care Resource and Referral Agencies (NACCRRA)

The NACCRRA is the national network of more than 850 child care resource and referral centers located in every state and most communities across the nation. The centers help families, child care providers, and communities find, provide, and plan for affordable, quality child care. Their mission is “to promote national policies and partnerships to advance the development and learning of all children and to provide vision, leadership and support to community Child Care Resource and Referral”. 

Job Opportunity: Project Manager

Job Description:

The project management oversees, special needs and exceptional family member respite care growth, and child care trends related to the special needs and military community. Provide support, training to program staff; coordinate and conduct regular staff meetings on program issues; conduct annual evaluations; ensure adherence with personnel policies. Maintain collaborative and professional relationships and partnerships with other agencies and organizations. Ensure a supportive environment that promotes employees professional growth.

Qualifications, skills and experiences necessary to fulfill the role:

·         Maintain collaborative and professional relationships and partnerships with other agencies and organizations.

·         Ensure a supportive environment within and across departments that promotes employee professional growth and organizational loyalty.

·         Maintain collaborative and professional relationships and partnerships with other agencies and organizations.

·         Ensure a supportive environment within and across departments that promotes employee professional growth and organizational loyalty.

·         Maintain collaborative and professional relationships and partnerships with other agencies and organizations.

·         Ensure a supportive environment within and across departments that promotes employee professional growth and organizational loyalty.

National Head Start Association (NHSA)

The NHSA appealed to me because it is a not for profit association that believe all children can learn regardless of their family circumstances. Their vision is all children should reach their full potential, every child can succeed, we can impact the success of at-risk children, and quality early education fundamentally transforms children and families.  

Job Opportunity: Alumni Advocacy Associate

Job Description:

Alumni Advocacy Associate is responsible for developing and implementing NHSA’s plan to organize and engage Head Start alumni and their families in coordination with the association’s advocacy efforts. This position is responsible for planning and implementation of an advocacy campaign, including coordination, communications, relationship building and more.

Qualifications, skills and experiences necessary to fulfill the role:

·         Identify Head Start graduates and their families and develop relationships with alumni in key states.

·         Coordinate an Advisory Council and gather input.

·          Maintain a database of alumni and a website containing their stories.

·          Plan and execute alumni events (receptions, speaking engagements) at major NHSA conferences.

·         Familiarity with Head Start and the diverse communities Head Start programs serve.

·         Bachelor’s degree and one to three years of work experience, preferably in communications and/or advocacy.

·          Exceptional interpersonal skills and ability to be comfortable and assertive working with large and small groups.

·         A high level of energy, ability to multi-task, and sense of humor.

·          Strong attention to detail and superior organizational skills.

·          Familiarity with social media (facebook, twitter, tumblr) and basic computer literacy.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Exploring Roles in the ECE Community: Local and State Levels

Educators for Excellence (E4E)

Educators for Excellence appealed to me because it is an organization created for teachers by teachers. Their mission is to ensure the voices of teachers are included in decisions that affect the profession and the students. They connect education professionals and policy makers to create a network communicating positive change in the education system.

Job Opportunity:                           

Outreach Director:

The responsibilities of an outreach director is to recruit other teachers to help advocate for the teaching profession and children. Build relationships with other professionals and partners to create a campaign for their voices to be heard. Organize weekly events to engage in various outreach and events. The aspiration is to engage in meaningful discussions, share viewpoints and recommend solutions to current problems in the field.

Skills and experiences necessary to fulfill the role:

·         Bachelor’s Degree and 2 years of professional experience in education or community campaigning

·         Excellent intrapersonal skills

·         Experience working with diverse population

·         Willingness to travel around NYC

New York State Early Childhood Advisory Council (NYS ECAC) 

The NYS ECAC is a great organization which improves the coordination and collaboration among NYS’s wide range of early childhood services and programs. This community of practice appealed to me because of its mission to provide advice and direction to the state of NY about early childhood issues. Their goals are to build a sustainable early childhood system that will ensure success for all children. This also connects with my Capstone project-advocating for access to high quality early childhood education for all children.

Job opportunity:

I did not observe any opportunities on the website for employment with the organization. However, the website provided contact information for each department and offer newsletters to stay current with their work in the community.


New York Works for Children

I love their motto: building knowledge, building careers and building futures. The group aspires to gather events promoting professional development in early childhood and many other professions in the field.  To unite the professionals, inspire and support the workforce with opportunities of professional growth. The website has a wealth of information about NYS standards and current events. The COP exclaim loving children is among the many requirements of teaching children, however being equipped with skills and knowledge is also crucial to successfully educate children.

Job Opportunities:

I did not see any opportunities for employment. The website does have a link to join the organization and provide feedback.