Current International Research Topics in
together and building partnerships in early childhood settings
and teaching through play
families: Building strong communication
children's feelings: Emotional literacy in early childhood
Under the Early
Childhood News tab I read an article titled, “New Era for Early
Childhood.” It highlights the changes in
Australia’s early education to ensure quality across early childhood services
and improve educational and developmental outcomes. Over time the achievement gap between
struggling and on level children are expanding. The Australian Children’s
Education and Care Quality Authority (ACECQA) is partnering with governments
and the early childhood sector to ensure a national system of high-quality
early childhood education and care for all children. The changes are results of
the raised awareness of early education on children’s critical development
during the early years.
Click the link to read the article:
Other interesting information:
The Early
Childhood Australia website has a host of information and links to early
childhood resources. Here are a few I
found really interesting:
Routines and Procedures: